Query explanation:
1. 在获得证书后三个工作日内可查询证书;
Query within three working days after obtaining a certification;
2. 请在编号栏中正确填写你所需要查询的证书编号(如:LCT240101010001)和发证日期(如:20240808)
Please fil in the number feld you want to query the certificate number (example: LCT240101010001) and the date of suance (for example: 2024)
3. 本网站用于证实您所查询证书的有效性,如有任何疑问,请将需要查询的证书/报告发送到Cert@lct-lab.com,我司在收到邮件会及时回复.
This website is used to verify the validity of the certificate you are inquiring about. If you have any questions, please send the certificate/report you need to verify to Cert@lct-lab.com. Our company will reply to your email promptly upon receiving it.
4. 最终解释权归本公司所有
The final interpretation rights belong to our company